Guest Lecture by Dr. Neva Öztürk, hosted by the Refugee Law Clinic Leipzig, Dr. Anne-Christine Gläß and Dr. Anna Mrozek, Law Faculty of the Leipzig University.
All interested are more than welcome to attend:
June 28, 2017, 6-8pm, Room 433 (4th fl, Burgstraße 21)
In the light of the “refugee crisis” of the “summer of migration” 2015, the European Council and the representatives of the Turkish government decided in March 2016 „to end the irregular migration from Turkey to the EU“. The core of this „deal“, as it has been referred to, is the return of “every new irregular migrant” coming from the transit via Turkey to Greece.
The lecture aims to provide an insight regarding the legal climate waiting for asylum seekers in Turkey, once they are readmitted from EU and to question how this legal climate affects the protection responsibility of the EU. Hence the lecture is planned to provide, firstly, a general view on Turkish legislation and practice in regard to both international protection and temporary protection and, secondly, to show how Turkish practice can affect the current implementation of EU-Turkey Deal and the future implementation of EU-TR Readmission Agreement in terms of third country nationals.
Dr. Neva Öztürk is a lecturer and researcher at the Ankara University Faculty of Law. She received her LL.M and Ph.D from the Social Sciences Institute of Ankara University. Her Ph.D. thesis addressed “Refugee Status Determination within the Framework of International Protection”. Dr. Öztürk conducted a significant part of her doctorate studies at Queen Mary, University of London as a Jean Monnet scholar. Her research mainly focuses on refugee law. She has been an academic member of the Private International Law Department at Ankara University Faculty of Law since 2007.